Welcome to my Art World! This is where it's all about me! Seriously, this will be a journal of my life in my art world. I'll post my works in progress, talk about my feelings, share my plans, dreams, and goals. Facebook is OK, but here, it's more personal. I hope you enjoy it!

I hope you'll feel free to comment - I encourage you to do so.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Not switching my blog address

I think I'll just keep using this blog address for my blogging.  It's nice, easy to use, and separate from my website.  I'm still planning to use the website newsletter, though, so please go there to subscribe if you haven't already!

I've been entering online art competitions lately - I really enjoy it.  I've never won anything in them, not even an Honorable Mention.  I've never sold anything from doing it.  I just like sharing my art!  I learned long ago that judges' opinions are only opinions, and that Not Winning doesn't mean Not Good!  I do it for the fun of it.  I like seeing my piece on the "entries" page, like looking at the artwork, like reading the judges' critiques.  I've actually gotten visits on my online gallery from the competition sites, so it's given me exposure on other works as well.  I'm hoping I get visits to my new website too now that I have one!

Making Apple Pie hasn't won anything, but it's become my best-selling print, so it's OK that it doesn't win a prize!  It's one of my favorite paintings; the original is in my kitchen, and it always makes me think of my Mom.

I'll be at Kennedy Gallery tomorrow from 3 - 6; my turn to work for the afternoon.  There's lots of art stuff happening down there tomorrow, Art Festivals and Artoberfest!  I think it'll be fun!

Then, I'll be working an extra day there on the 20th, from 11-6, and will bring a painting in progress to work on for the day.  If you're looking for something to do either day, come by and see me!

Just in case I didn't give you my new website address, here it is:  www.jennybriggsart.fineartstudioonline.com

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